It is time to get acquainted with Metal IO, low-level cross-platform abstraction over epoll/kqueue written in Rust.

TL;DR: github.

In this article I will show and explain how to write simple single-threaded asynchronous TCP server, then teach it to mock HTTP protocol, and then benchmark it with ab/wrk. The results are about to be impressive.

Getting started

I’m using mio = "0.6".

First, TCP listener is required:

let address = "";
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&address.parse().unwrap()).unwrap();

Then create Poll object and register listener at Token(0) for readable events, activated by edge (not by level). More on edge vs level.

let poll = Poll::new().unwrap();

The next essential part is to create Events object (of given capacity) and a main loop (endless in this case). In the loop the events are polled and processed one by one.

let mut events = Events::with_capacity(1024);
loop {
    poll.poll(&mut events, None).unwrap();
    for event in &events {
        // handle the event

Accepting connections (and dropping them)

The event can be one of the following:

  • readable event on the listener means that there are incoming connections that are ready to be accepted
  • event on the connected socket
    • readable - the socket has data available for reading
    • writable - the socket is ready for writing some data into it

The listener vs socket event can be distinguished by token, where for the listener token is always zero, as it was registered in Poll.

Below is the simplest event handling approach, accept all incoming connections in the loop, and for each connection - simply drop the socket. This will close the connection. Discard Protocol at your service!

// handle the event
match event.token() {
    Token(0) => {
        loop {
            match listener.accept() {
                Ok((socket, address)) => {
                    // What to do with the connection?
                    // One option is to simply drop it!
                    println!("Got connection from {}", address);
                Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock =>
                    // No more connections ready to be accepted 
                Err(e) => 
                    panic!("Unexpected error: {}", e)
    _ => () // Ignore all other tokens

Listener’s .accept() returns std::io::Result<(TcpStream, SocketAddr)> (as described here), so I have to match and process successful response or an error. But there is special kind of error io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock (doc), that’s basically saying “I’m about to wait (block) to make any progress”. This is the essential of non-blocking behaviour - the point is just not to block (but return respective error)! When encountered, such error simply means that there are no more incoming connections waiting to be accepted at this point, so the loop is broken, and next events get processed.

Now if I run the server and try connecting to it, I can see Discard Protocol in action! Amazing right?!

$ nc 8080

Registering connections for events

Speaking of next events. In order for next events to occur, the token-socket pair must be registered with the Poll first. Under the hood, Poll keeps track which token corresponds to which socket, but client code only gets access to token. This means if the server intends to actually communicate with the client (and I’m pretty sure most servers do), then token-socket pair must be stored somehow. In this example, I’m using simple HashMap<Token, TcpStream>, but slab might be more efficient to use here.

Token is just a wrapper over usize, so simple counter is enough to provide increasing sequence of tokens. Once socket is registered with respective token, it is inserted into the HashMap.

let mut counter: usize = 0;
let mut sockets: HashMap<Token, TcpStream> = HashMap::new();

// handle the event
match event.token() {
    Token(0) => {
        loop {
            match listener.accept() {
                Ok((socket, _)) => {
                    counter += 1;
                    let token = Token(counter);

                    // Register for readable events
                    poll.register(&socket, token

                    sockets.insert(token, socket);                    
                Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock =>
                    // No more connections ready to be accepted 
                Err(e) => 
                    panic!("Unexpected error: {}", e)
    token if event.readiness().is_readable() => {
        // Socket associated with token is ready for reading data from it

Reading data from client

When readable event occurs for given token, this means data is ready to be read from respective socket. I will use just array of bytes as a buffer for reading the data.

Read is performed in the loop until known WouldBlock error is returned. Each call to read returns (if successful) actual number of bytes read, and when there are zero bytes read - this means client has disconnected already, and there is no point if keeping the socket around (nor continuing the reading loop).

// Fixed size buffer for reading/writing to/from sockets
let mut buffer = [0 as u8; 1024];
token if event.readiness().is_readable() => {
    loop {
        let read = sockets.get_mut(token).unwrap().read(&mut buffer);
        match read {
            Ok(0) => {
                // Successful read of zero bytes means connection is closed
            Ok(len) => {
                // Now do something with &buffer[0..len]
                println!("Read {} bytes for token {}", len, token.0);
            Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => break,
            Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error: {}", e)

Writing data to the client

For a token to receive writable event, it must be registered in Poll first. The oneshot option might be useful for scheduling writable events, this option makes sure that event of interest is fired only once.

poll.register(&socket, token
    PollOpt::edge() | PollOpt::oneshot()).unwrap();

Writing data to the client socket is similar, and is done via buffer as well, but no explicit loop is required, as there is already a method that is doing the loop: write_all().

If I want all my protocol to do is to return how many bytes were received, I will need an actual number of bytes written (HashMap will do), count bytes when readable event occurs, then schedule a one-shot writable event, and when writable event occurs - send the response and drop the connection.

let mut response: HashMap<Token, usize> = HashMap::new();
token if event.readiness().is_readable() => {
    let mut bytes_read: usize = 0;
    loop {
        ... // sum up number of bytes received
    response.insert(token, bytes_read);
    // re-register for one-shot writable event
token if event.readiness().is_writable() => {
    let n_bytes = response[&token];
    let message = format!("Received {} bytes\n", n_bytes);
    sockets.remove(&token); // Drop the connection

What happens between reading and writing data?

At this point I have reading the data from the socket, and (possible) writing of the data to the socket. Yet writing never happens, as no token gets registered for writable events!

When should I register a token for a writable event? Well, when it has something to write! Sounds simple, isn’t it? In practice this means it’s time to actually implement some protocol.

How do I implement a protocol?

OK, I just want to send text (or JSON) back, and TCP is a protocol, why do I need more? Well, TCP is a protocol, the Transmission Control Protocol, the transport-level one. TCP cares about receiver to receive exact amount of bytes in exact order that sender sent! So at the transport level, I have to deal with two streams of bytes: one going from client to the server, and another one going straight back.

What’s useful when dealing with servers, is an application level protocol (say, HTTP). The application level protocol can define such entities as request, that server receives from the client, and response, that client receives back from the server.

It is important to mention, that implementing HTTP correctly is not as easy as it sounds, and even more, it is already done for you, e.g. in hyper. Here I won’t bother with actually implementing HTTP, what I’m going to do instead is to make my server behave as if it really understands GET requests, but will always respond to such request with a response containing 6 bytes: b"hello\n".

Mocking HTTP

For the sake of this article, mocking of HTTP is more than enough. I will use the fact that HTTP request header is separated from request body (if any) with 4 bytes, b"\r\n\r\n". So if I keep track of what current client have sent, and if at any point there are target 4 bytes in there, I can respond with pre-defined HTTP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 6


Simple HashMap is enough to keep track of all the bytes received:

let mut requests: HashMap<Token, Vec<u8>> = HashMap::new();

Once reading is done, it makes sense to check if request is ready:

fn is_double_crnl(window: &[u8]) -> bool {  /* trivial */ }

let ready = requests.get(&token).unwrap()
    .find(|window| is_double_crnl(*window))

And if it is, it’s time to schedule some writing!

if ready {
    let socket = sockets.get(&token).unwrap();
        PollOpt::edge() | PollOpt::oneshot()).unwrap();

After writing is completed, it is important to keep the connection open, and reregister socket for reading again.


Server is ready!

$ curl localhost:8080

So the fun can start - let’s try an see how this single-threaded server is performing. I will use common tools: ab and wrk. Note:

  • ab requires -k option to use keep-alive and reuse existing connections
  • wrk2 is actually used as wrk, thus --rate parameter is required
  • ab/wrk is running on different VM than the server (but in the same region)

Here are the numbers I got when trying benchmarking the server on the instance n1-standard-8 (8 vCPUs, 30 GB memory) of some cloud provider (that I’m not really allowed to mention here).

$ ab -n 1000000 -c 128 -k http://instance-1:8080/
Requests per second:    105838.76 [#/sec] (mean)
Transfer rate:          9095.52 [Kbytes/sec] received
$ wrk -d 60s -t 8 -c 128 --rate 150k http://instance-1:8080/
Requests/sec: 120596.75
Transfer/sec: 10.12MB

105k and 120k rps, not bad for a single thread.

Of course this can be qualified by cheating, but as long as real network is involved (even inside the same zone), this is a real server under load, which can be (more or less) meaningful bottom line for how fast networking can be done using single thread.

The full and runnable code is available on github, organized by one logical chapter per pull-request:

  • init project: PR#1
  • accept & discard: PR#2
  • read from socket: PR#3
  • writing to socket: PR#4
  • mocking HTTP: PR#5

Where to go from here

Scaling to multiple threads: start here.