While I was doing-some-blockchain recently, I have found out that Elliptic Curve algebra does not seem to fit easily into u128, so this is a second attepmt, now done properly, using arkworks-rs.

TL/DR: code.

Note: this is a purely educational example, meant just to show how abstract math can be implemented in real world using propert tools & libraries. Do not use this implementation for anything beyound education. Consider yourself warned.

For a warmup let’s implement DHKE on a secp256k1 elliptic curve (the one used in Bitcoin):

// cargo add rand ark-std ark-ff ark-secp256k1
fn test_dhke() {
    use ark_std::{rand, UniformRand};
    use ark_secp256k1::{Affine, Fr as F, G_GENERATOR_X, G_GENERATOR_Y};

    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let g = Affine::new(G_GENERATOR_X, G_GENERATOR_Y);

    let a = F::rand(&mut rng);
    let ga = g * a;

    let b = F::rand(&mut rng);
    let gb = g * b;

    let one = ga + gb;
    let two = gb + ga;

    // shared secrets must match
    assert_eq!(one, two);
$ cargo test
running 1 test
test tests::test_dhke ... ok

Now ECDSA: first add necessary dependencies:

cargo add sha2 hex
cargo add ark-serialize --features derive

So that final dependencies list looks like this:

ark-ff = "0.4.2"
ark-secp256k1 = "0.4.0"
ark-serialize = { version = "0.4.2", features = ["derive"] }
ark-std = "0.4.0"
hex = "0.4.3"
rand = "0.8.5"
sha2 = "0.10.8"

First step is to derive a Public Key (PK) from a Secret Key (SK) - with SK being a scalar (just a regular number, not yet a point on the curve), it is enough to just multiply curve’s generator point (G) by the scalar to get a point on the curve. Thanks to the Discrete Logarithm problem, inversing this operation (and thus “cracking” a secret key from a public one) is considered extremely computationally intense (for the numbers of a certain size, say 256 bits).

For simplisity the API I’m presenting is going to use raw bytes slices and vectors to represent both public and secret keys.

pub fn get_pk(sk: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
    // Derive Public Key from a Secret Key:
    // SK - secret key (scalar)
    // G - generator point
    // PK = G * SK

    let g = Affine::new(G_GENERATOR_X, G_GENERATOR_Y);
    let sk = F::from_be_bytes_mod_order(&sk);
    let pk = g * sk;


The signing part, pretty straightforward math:

pub fn sig(sk: &[u8], msg: &[u8]) -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>) {
    // Signing:
    // SK - secret key
    // PK - public key (PK = SK * G)
    // m - message
    // H - sha256
    // (r, s) - signature
    // k = H(H(SK) || H(m))
    // R = k * G
    // r = R.x
    // s = k' * (h + r * SK)

    let k = hash(&[&hash(&[sk]), &hash(&[msg])]);
    let k = F::from_be_bytes_mod_order(&k);
    let ki = k.inverse().unwrap();

    let h = hash(&[msg]);
    let h = F::from_be_bytes_mod_order(&h);

    let sk = F::from_be_bytes_mod_order(&sk);

    let g = Affine::new(G_GENERATOR_X, G_GENERATOR_Y);
    let r = g * k;
    let r = Affine::from(r);
    let rx = F::from(r.x.into_bigint());

    let s = ki * (h + rx * sk);

    (into_bytes(&rx), into_bytes(&s))

The signature verification part: the whole “trick” is that (h + r * SK) and it’s modular inverse cancel each other out, so the original R is restored and compared to provided with the signature one (x coordinates really).

pub fn ver(pk: &[u8], msg: &[u8], sig: (&[u8], &[u8])) -> bool {
    // Verification
    // R = (h * s') * G + (r * s') * PK
    // For a valid signature: R.x == sig.r
    // R = (h * s') * G + (r * s') * PK
    // R = (h * s') * G + (r * s') * SK * G
    // R = (h + r * SK) * s' * G
    // R = (h + r * SK) * (k' * (h + r * SK))' * G
    // R = (h + r * SK) * k * (h + r * SK)' * G
    // R = k * G

    let pk: Projective = from_bytes(&pk);

    let (rx, s) = sig;
    let rx: types::Number = from_bytes(rx);
    let s: types::Number = from_bytes(s);
    let si = s.inverse().unwrap();

    let h = hash(&[msg]);
    let h = F::from_be_bytes_mod_order(&h);

    let g = Affine::new(G_GENERATOR_X, G_GENERATOR_Y);
    let r = g * h * si + pk * rx * si;
    let r = Affine::from(r);

    rx == F::from(r.x.into_bigint())

Does it work? Checking:

fn test_ecdsa() {
    use super::*;

    let sk = "43cdf7c47a34cac01e717ad098bde292c2b3972719da38b7d38706be25706d4f";
    let sk = hex::decode(sk).unwrap();
    let pk = get_pk(&sk);

    let msg = b"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
    let (r, s) = sig(&sk, msg);
    assert!(ver(&pk, msg, (&r, &s)));

Seems like it does:

$ cargo test
running 2 tests
test tests::test_dhke ... ok
test tests::test_ecdsa ... ok

To test against random secret keys:

fn test_ecdsa() {
    use super::*;
    use ark_std::{rand, UniformRand};
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let a = F::rand(&mut rng);
    let sk = into_bytes(&a);

    // let sk = "43cdf7c47a34cac01e717ad098bde292c2b3972719da38b7d38706be25706d4f";
    // let sk = hex::decode(sk).unwrap();
    let pk = get_pk(&sk);

    let msg = b"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
    let (r, s) = sig(&sk, msg);
    assert!(ver(&pk, msg, (&r, &s)));

Full code is on GitHub. Implementations of {from, into}_bytes and hash are pretty straightforward, so not providing them here for brevity. They are present in the repository of course.


There is one tricky moment in this implementation. Attentive reader might have noticed weird “flipping” (serializing to bytes and then deserializing back to point) of R happening in both signing and verification parts (let r: Projective = from_bytes(&into_bytes(&r));). The problem I had without such “flip”, was that the original point R was restored (byte representation did match the original one), but x coordinate did not match the original R’s x coordinate, for reasons I don’t quite understand. Pretty sure I must have misused arkworks-rs, and there is a proper way to express it, but I don’t know it yet! Leaving this as an excercise for a reader :) As long as tests pass, I think the educational purposes of this example implementation are achieved.


Affine::from was necessary to convert R from projective point to an affine one! Thank you Bayram!
