Distributed Membership Protocol
Once I had a long winter evening to spare, and I was thinking, why don’t I implement a distributed membership and failure-detection protocol in Rust?
Reactive Game of Life with Akka
Quite for some time I was thinking about refreshing Akka skills and providing some simple demo of what one can do with Akka and Actor Model. Finally, the
wintertime has come, I will show the Conway’s Game of Life reactive implementation with Akka Actors. -
Borrowed Byte Buffer in Rust
It started with re-implementation of gossip-based distributed membership protocol, this time in Rust. I was looking for a fast and simple way to put data into array of bytes, and to get data from an array of bytes. Something like Java’s ByteBuffer.
Command prompt setup
Quite for some time I was taking command prompt for granted, thinking that it is just as it is. But today is the day, I’m setting up the command prompt that I like!
Testing RabbitMQ Client in Java